воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

falling apart trust company

I had a dream last night that i tried cocain.
then i was debating whether or not to do it again
so i asked mike whatapos;s the worse possible thing i could experience during a trip
lmao.. Then i woke up. What a freaky dream.

also, i finished twilight at 11 last night. I read from like chapter 5 til the end yesterday. Everyone in my family kept yelling at me for reading so much. Matti was like "god ash go play halo" and then my dad came up and asked me if i thought iapos;d finish it tonight and i said "probably not, but maybe tomorrow" well, surprise i finished it. Iapos;m in love with edward cullen just like everyone else. I canapos;t even deny it if i wanted to. And i am so excited for the movie.

now onto day 2 of our block sale. Itapos;s fricken cold outside, i really donapos;t want to stand out there. Whatevz.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

bare foot guys

You might remember me raving about good customer service from Comcast. �I take it back.

I have had the most unbelievable circus surrounding my attempts to switch from Verizon/FairPoint to Comcast.

I will spare you the details, for now, but here are the salient points:

- Comcast wrongly authorized Verizon/Fairpoint to disconnect my phone last Tuesday, which they did.� Iapos;ve had no phone service since Tuesday and as of yesterday afternoon, both Comcast and Verizon/Fairpoint refused to take responsibility.

- I have talked to one Verizon/Fairpoint person and eight Comcast customer service people trying to remedy this situation, including a senior agent and two supervisors, to no avail.� The customer service I�received was beyond horrible, it was beyond comical, it was beyond embarassing, and I have a transcript of some of if if anyone wants a good laugh.

- I finally talked to "the good customer service guy"�this morning, and he thinks he can help, so weapos;ll see.

- I managed to get through to someone in the Executive Customer Care and Communications department today via e-mail, and she thinks she can help, so weapos;ll see. �The fact that I got through to someone above customer service level is nothing short of a miracle.

- I want my broken line repaired by the end of the day tomorrow and my service installed by the end of the day on Monday.� Seven days is too long for a rural family with four young children to be wrongfully deprived of phone service.

- I am looking for a lawyer or investigative reporter who might be interested in this sort of case.� Know any?
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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BAKU, October 16, 2008 (AFP) - Western observers said Thursday that Azerbaijan's presidential election fell short of democratic standards, after the opposition rejected incumbent Ilham Aliyev's victory with nearly 90 percent of the vote.

"Yesterday's presidential election in Azerbaijan marked considerable progress but did not meet all of the country's international commitments," the Organization for Co-operation and Security in Europe said in a statement.

The poll in the oil-rich former Soviet republic "was characterised by a lack of robust competition and vibrant political discourse... That did not reflect all the principles of a meaningful, pluralistic, democratic election.

"Regrettably some opposition parties boycotted the election citing long-standing obstacles, which further limited the scope for meaningful choice for the electorate."

Almost 400 OSCE observers monitored the election, which was boycotted by the opposition, who accuse the authorities of persecuting Aliyev's opponents, muzzling the media and fixing previous polls.

"We do not accept these elections or this government as legitimate," Ali Keremli, the leader of the Popular Front party, told journalists previously in the capital Baku.

"We, the real democratic forces of Azerbaijan, must unite and act together. We will discuss a plan of action," he said.

Aliyev, 46, swept to victory in the election, maintaining his grip on power after first succeeding his father as president five years ago.

With almost 97 percent of votes counted on Thursday, Aliyev had a huge lead with 88.64 percent of the vote, the elections commission said.

Six other candidates -- all loyal to the authorities -- lagged far behind, with second-placed Iqbal Agazade getting just 2.78 percent of the vote.

Opposition leaders said they had requested permission to hold a rally on Saturday, but were refused authorisation by the authorities.

"Nothing unexpected happened, everybody knew who was going to win the election," said Isa Gambar, the head of the Musavat party.

"In this situation the real opposition of Azerbaijan, real democratic forces that boycotted the election, are the winners. But we would like much more for the Azerbaijani people to win."

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was quick to congratulate Aliyev in a telephone call on his re-election in Azerbaijan, where Moscow is seeking to increase its influence.

"Medvedev expressed his heartfelt congratulations to Aliyev for his comfortable re-election to the post of president of the Republic of Azerbaijan and wished him success," the Kremlin said in a statement.

"The heads of state noted a mutual interest in further developing multi-faceted cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan," the Kremlin said. Azerbaijan is an energy-rich state on the Caspian Sea that is being wooed by both Russia and the United States. The country has been ruled by the Aliyev family for more than 30 years.

It is the starting point of a strategic energy corridor pumping oil and gas to Europe from the Caspian region without going through Russia, and it is also a neighbour of Georgia, where Russia fought a brief war in August.

Aliyev was first elected in 2003 to succeed his father, Heydar Aliyev, who died the same year.

His rule has benefitted from soaring oil revenues that have seen Azerbaijan's corruption-riddled economy among the fastest-growing in the world.

Aliyev will now have five more years to navigate the increasingly choppy waters between Russia and the United States as they vie for the allegiance of the mainly Muslim state of about eight million people.

Since coming to power, Aliyev has walked a tightrope between Moscow and Washington as the two court Baku for access to the vast energy resources of the Caspian.

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Iapos;ve had this pain at the back/top of my head, for now 3 full days. Sometimes it like, shoots through the middle of my head right to the front. Or when I�touch the�top of my head it hurts. Ow, see well you canapos;t but like right now, itapos;s some weird shooting pain sensation to the right top of my head. I mean I could have hit my head, possibly while I�was sleeping, but I donapos;t think so, because itapos;s not like one exact spot that hurts. GAH, I�think I�should see the doctor about this.�I�just donapos;t want it to be something major, and Iapos;m�just sitting here ignoring the pain. Thinking it will pass.
I�hope itapos;s nothing.
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addresses database

Lets see, after I wrote my last post, I left to get my brows done. The girl that did them was new, but she knew how to lead me and stuff. When I asked her how she knew I was blind she told me that they had told her about me. Itapos;s really awsome, that they would tell her about that. I think if Iapos;m still on the board next year when we do awards....I will nominate that place. Itapos;s just so nice to know that people are going to be accomidating.

Anyways when I got back from that I practised. I did all the songs, and that went pritty well. I got a headake in the middle though, and itapos;s pritty much hung around all day. Thats not that epic....but whatever. When I was in the middle of practising Colleen from triumph called. I told her that the Edmonton thing was a deffinate no go, and she said she would look in to the work expieriance thing.

When I was done practising the guy regarding my contacts called. I think tomorrow me and mom are going to try to go pick them up before the event. It would be a pain in the ass to where that old contact for as long as I am going to have to where it tomorrow. Itapos;ll be better if I can hopefully get my new contacts instead, much easyer on the eye.

After that we all had dinner. The slowcooker thing turned out really good. The kitchen is all clean as well. All the dishapos;s are put away and the dishwasher is already loaded again. It works really nicley......everything came out really clean.

After dinner we hung out for a little bit, and then mom gramma and dad went out. They have the night off so they are gone to the caseano. I only remembered when they were leaving that there is a south park eppisode tonight. I almoast toataley forgot. Anyways though on that note Iapos;m outa here.

Positive things:
my contacts are in
I found out what weapos;re gonna do on Saturday for my birthday
the plumming is working now
dinner turned out really well

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1) I got my car back. It runs. Hurray.

2) I gave Brittan a bath. He really needed it. He didnapos;t appreciate it though. Itapos;s hard observing the aging process. I think itapos;s harder watching pets get old than people get old... Because you feel responsible for pets, but there is nothing you can do. Brittapos;s just getting older, and more feeble, and seriously senile. I didnapos;t know dogs could go senile, but I swear Brittan is.

3) My brother is working on a boat for the next 30 days. Itapos;ll be stopping by Two Harbors once a week, and I may go see him tomorrow depending when his boat arrives.

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�So I realize that sometimes when Iapos;m asked a simple question about something I am invested in I have the tendency to ramble until every detail has been explained (or until I realize what Iapos;m doing and the other person doesnapos;t actually care, because Iapos;m sure there are some occasions when details are infinite...ahem..) �Any way, I have found someone who is just as capable, if not more so of rambling until something has been completely explained. �The reply I got to my silly one-line comment of not understanding something was 5 paragraphs, well structured, and completely explained the topic so that I could begin to grasp something that I have had absolutely no prior exposure of. �I have been bested.

(and amused)
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